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Since my post last month I have been thinking about ways women can help each other at our time of life.  I used to think that when you reach retirement, around 60, you are content, have achieved what you set out to do and are ready to slow down and just enjoy your life.   

I knew many women where this was the case, but because it wasn’t like that in my own life, I started to wonder how many other women were in the same position of ‘catching up’ as I call it. I know there are many women who, for various reasons, are not as happy in their 60s and 70s as they thought they would be or as they wish to be.  

I also know that talking about it helps so much, which I have found, but for me personally it was only through Counselling and writing here, as there was no one else for me to talk to or share with.  That is the main reason why I have this blog, because I know there are people in the same situation as I was, and still am to a certain extent.  So many of us just do not have that person to talk to in our family or circle of friends and even if there was someone, we may not feel able to open up to them. 

Apart from that, there is the undeniable fact that women of our age have the wisdom acquired through life experiences which can be invaluable in various ways in our lives, but also in helping and supporting each other. Because some of us are struggling and stumbling in certain areas of our lives does not mean we do not have that wisdom, it just means we need a little help in one way or another at the moment.  

Sandra Sayer

I am an older woman who thinks of women in my age group as being an untapped source of information derived from life experiences and I believe this amounts to a ‘universal’ wisdom connecting us wherever we are in the world. I want to attract like-minded older women from across the world to share their views and ideas, because I am convinced we can find ways where our wisdom can really make a difference.